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    The exercise ball has many names. Some people refer to it as the Swiss ball, stability ball or a fitness ball. One...

    To beat your diabetes you need to eat food that is low in sugar, low in fat, low in salt, high in...

    If you're a lover of all things coffee like me, you may know a thing or two about which coffee beans taste...

    How many calories you burn while swimming depends on your stroke, effort, speed, distance, duration, gender, weight and skill. Because most people...
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    The exercise ball has many names. Some people refer to it as the Swiss ball, stability ball or a fitness ball. One...


    FITNESS Insights

    Bodybuilding and exercising requires good health, and most important of all, ENERGY! Most people don't realize that a great source of energy...

    How many calories you burn while swimming depends on your stroke, effort, speed, distance, duration, gender, weight and skill. Because most people...

    Medicinal Mushroom & Gut Health Benefits

    The Tips For Health team came across this excellent article on medicinal mushrooms and the Nourishme Organics...